WoodSHED Built???
I've had many questions as to what I've been up to for the past few weeks and why I haven't written any new blog posts lately. Well, the simple answer is that I took on a "little" side project. Ever since I turned the garage into a full blown woodshop, there's always been these pesky yard tools and equipment that were taking up valuable shop space. Anyone, who knows anything about woodworking, knows that yard equipment just has no business being stored in the sanctuary that is my woodshop. So really, I had no choice but to correct this issue as soon as possible, by building a storage shed in the back yard to create a dedicated area to store the offending yard care equipment. All jokes aside, it was actually really nice to step away from the exactness of the rocking chair build, to focus on a different project that didn't require the same level of precision. Here are a few pictures of the shed build process.
It ended up being a lot of work, but I'm glad that I took the time to make it happen. I'm really happy with how it turned out and even happier with the extra shop space that was created by the mass exodus of yard equipment from the shop. After a couple coats of paint on the new shed, it was time to get back to the rocking chair build.
The two pieces of stock that I'm using for the front legs had some checks and voids in the ends that needed to be stabilized with epoxy before I could cut the tapers in them. I also needed to fill a knot hole on the underside of the seat slab and a void in one of the runner edges, so I mixed up a batch of black epoxy one night after work and went work, filling the holes and voids.
The front legs needs a second set of tapers cut into the opposite face. The tapered legs are subtle, but it really changes the look of the legs and makes them look not so bulky.
I was feeling daring, so I even took the dry clamped chair down off the bench and gave it a "test sit" to make sure that it was solid before calling Katie out to the shop to check it out. I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't a little twinge of doubt in the back of my mind as I put all of my weight onto the chair, but thankfully the chair had no problem supporting my weight and the curve of the runners gave it a nice gentle rocking motion. I called Katie out to the shop and she sat in the chair for the first time. There's no arms, headrest, or back splats installed yet, so she couldn't get the full effect of how the chair will feel, but it was still exciting to see her sitting on a chair that I had created from nothing but a pile of raw wood. I've got 6 weeks left until our due date and I'm feeling as motivated as ever to get the chair finished up before then.